
Welcome to my website!

This page is to be continued.. I am currently working on it, now that I have a laptop that finally connects to the internet lol.

Games I play

I only have time to play a few games now.

1. Furry-Paws

->Zandril (#17208)

Other games I used to play quite often...But don't much anymore.

AVH: A.n.z (#178651)

Wajas: (# 134572)

Aywas: A.n.z (#7689)

Pure Felinity: Anz (# 6557)

Mweor: A.n.z (#16643)

Lioden: A.n.z (#71521)

Contact Me

There is a few ways you can contact me. 

1. Furry-Paws -> Just message #17208

2. Discord -> Zandril#3615

^This goes directly to my phone and computer, so I might be able to reply faster.